Give Yourself Permission
Give Yourself Permission explores the nature of consciousness and how you can apply it to your personal evolution. Sprinkled with humor, empowerment, personal stories and interviews with consciousness teachers, GYP will catalyze your spiritual growth in a deep, soulful way.
Give Yourself Permission
Ep. 3 - Mindset Tools for Success: Reframing Negative Memories
At the beginning of each month, we'll include our Mindset Series. These are short, to the point episodes where we introduce powerful tools to add to your toolkit. You won't want to miss these powerful episodes!
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Welcome to the give yourself permission podcast! I am so excited to take this journey with you. In this show we'll share how to evolve as a spiritual being while remaining human. We'll learn powerful tools and methods to rewire the brain heal energy blocks tap into our intuition and be your own healers. We'll bring on experts in the field to answer the questions that keep us up at night and I'll be adding plenty of solo casts so I can share what's worked based on personal experience, all while learning how to write our own permission slip to find our innate wholeness and create a life that's in alignment with our souls expression. So what are we waiting for? Let's get started!
So there's this reframing method that you can use as a tool to actually go into your memories and tweak them in a way that makes you feel empowered so you can come out and back to reality and feel like you are superhuman or you are free and I'm going to explain it a lot of times memories can be really painful we've lived many different experiences and unfortunately the ones that tend to stick or pop out that really define us are oftentimes memories that hurt us or memories that shattered something or made us wake up to some kind of pain within us that reframed our reference of the world so these are not necessarily bad overall because they did allow us to see certain things that maybe we didn't understand or we were naive to before however a lot of times these turn into subconscious blocks why they turn into blocks is because we didn't have the tools at the time of the incident to actually navigate through heavy emotions that we felt or that may have come up for us so oftentimes what we do is we suppress them and we push them away and they show up later as shame so think about a memory that might have caused you pain or shame in your lifetime and what you're going to do with it in fact you don't even have to recall a specific memory before you go into this this exercise because most likely what is ready to come up will probably bubble up to the surface anyways so for instance if you are feeling like you want to move forward in a certain endeavor but there's fear that shows up around it this is a really pivotal tool that will help you break past that fear so what you want to do is you want to set your set your room or set the ambiance for a meditative experience I like to personally sit up I know you can also lie down in meditation and sometimes I also lie down but this specific exercise is best done early in the morning or midday when you feel you have enough energy to stay seated up otherwise when you're winding down at night I tend to do more hypnotic meditations where I'm being guided and I can really kind of relax into someone else's guidance in the case where I'm guiding myself I tend to like to sit up so that's just me you can try what works for you I noticed that if I'm lying down I drift or I might fall asleep at times so it's just more effective overall for me to sit up in this case so you start with a meditation you can start also with EFT if you don't know what EFT is look it up and I will actually be having someone who is an expert on EFT on the show coming up here so you want to take a few moments just to sit and find stillness so sit and focus in on the breath you might want to have the eyes closed and look up it will help you induce more of a meditative state that's also why I like to do this meditation first thing in the morning before my day has really given me extra thoughts or any pressures of life have kind of floated in towards my space so once you get seated and you find your stillness and the thoughts start to slow down you might want to pull to mind whatever it is that you see next for yourself and when you pull this up if you feel that there is a block that feels like fear or some kind of nervousness or tension or contraction that's actually the emotion that we're going to be working through so that's perfect so pull up the thing that you want and with it should come the block so set aside the thing that you want for a moment and just feel deeply feel into what it is that you're experiencing in your body in that moment so the thing about this experience is this is absolutely not the first time your body has felt this state so that's when you want to allow your mind to go back into a time where you can remember this contraction and typically the memory will pull up easily enough so say in this case you go back to a moment when you were in high school and you were delivering this talk in front of the classroom and you had so much fear around it because you were ill-prepared and you weren't excited about the subject and it came off very choppy and chaotic you can go back to that memory and you can reframe it so there's a few ways you can either take yourself from modern-day times today and go back to it and speak in front of the class or you can take the energy of who you are now and put it into that high schooler that you once were and speak from a place of authenticity speak and express your truth be completely in line with what you want to say and don't let that shame overcome you anymore don't let that fear overcome you right let all the things that you need to express out of your throat out of your voice you can imagine the classroom and the setting and the people and whatever it is that you want to say to them just say to them and make this as detailed as you possibly can and feel yourself growing more confident feel yourself growing more expressive being more bold being less afraid and keep speaking until you feel like it's settled and maybe you can watch yourself walk out of that classroom and the whole class cheers for you all right and once you're ready to clear and actually close that incident you can just let it go and let it fade away make sure to close it with confidence with full expression and then when you're ready you can come back to your meditative state and slowly work yourself back up to opening your eyes and see how you feel check in and just take notice and afterwards you can write about this in a journal but notice how the day changes after that exercise and then apply it back to the situation that you want to move forward in and see if that same fear or shame comes up and maybe it still does but it might not be as intense where it might have cleared fully so you can do this exercise as many times as you need to this is just one way to reframe if the memory is so painful and you're not ready to go back to it you can always seek support professional support professional guidance maybe that's not the memory that you want to go into maybe it's just another memory that has that same triggering reaction that you're comfortable being up close and intimate with so my love's there's no need to force yourself to heal everything especially if you've had a lot of stuff in the past that was very heartbreaking that was very traumatic if you feel like you're ready to if you feel like you can yourself through this by all means you can but at the same time you don't need to push what doesn't want to be exposed or that doesn't want to be yet explored and you can find other ways and there are many many other tools to reframe this is just one of them and you can choose what resonates and what works for you so this is just another tool to add to your toolkit it's not the end-all be-all it can be very powerful it can be very activating and very freeing but there are many many others if this is one tool you're actively working with already send me a message send me a DM and let me know your your experience with it I love this tool personally this is a really potent one for me that I can use on my own I don't need to get anyone to navigate through it with me and again it gets implemented when the timing is right when something pulls up for me that I feel safe to address I found it really freeing in my own experience and I'm happy to share it with you and again please let me know your experiences with it once you try it so let's keep learning together and keep growing together and implementing these tools so we can be free because we are own guru we are own healer we get to explore all these amazing tools and we're going to keep doing it as we grow together we learn together you are so supported you are so loved you are already whole and you are designed talk to you soon!