Give Yourself Permission
Give Yourself Permission explores the nature of consciousness and how you can apply it to your personal evolution. Sprinkled with humor, empowerment, personal stories and interviews with consciousness teachers, GYP will catalyze your spiritual growth in a deep, soulful way.
Give Yourself Permission
Ep. 2 - Energy Update with Astrologer Adam Sanchez
In this episode I talk with Adam Sanchez, astrologer and founder of Raw Life Yoga. He gives us the latest energy updates and what we can expect in the next six or so months. You don't want to miss this episode!
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Welcome to the give yourself permission podcast! I am so excited to take this journey with you. In this show we'll share how to evolve as a spiritual being while remaining human. We'll learn powerful tools and methods to rewire the brain heal energy blocks tap into our intuition and be your own healers. We'll bring on experts in the field to answer the questions that keep us up at night and I'll be adding plenty of solo casts so I can share what's worked based on personal experience, all while learning how to write our own permission slip to find our innate wholeness and create a life that's in alignment with our souls expression. So what are we waiting for? Let's get started!
In today's episode I'm gonna be talking to Adam Sanchez he's an amazing astrologer he's the founder of raw life yoga and he's going to be talking all about the current energies of what is happening right now we were at in the end of June of 2020 so sit tight you might even want to take notes on this he has a lot of really awesome information whether you're beginning with astrology or you know a ton about it this episode has tons of gold in it I asked some questions here that covered my baseline knowledge of astrology which is essentially I know my needle chart and the time of birth and a couple of things here and there but I don't have a deep dive of it so if that's like--you you're gonna get a lot out of this episode and also be able to use this astrological knowledge to kind of plan ahead for the next six months or so the beauty of astrology that Adam was going over is that you really can take this knowledge and apply it to your everyday life so it's a tool for empowerment it's a way to really understand who you are at a deeper level of course it doesn't mean like oh it's written in the stars so I must have this fate we do live in a we'll universe and we talked about that in this episode so it's important to remember but Adam has a lot of wisdom and he talks exactly about how he uses astrology as a tool to enhance his everyday life tell me about your experience of intense I have moon conjunct Jupiter conjunct Uranus in my first house so these are strong placements Jupiter's magnifies whatever it touches or it comes in contact with and then Uranus is electricity and so there's like this I always kind of feel electrified during even full moons sometimes like depending on the month and I think some of the other aspects that show up it will be more intense or less intense but especially like there are Uranus aspects I don't know if I stopped me if I told you this story before where I discovered actually that I could really feel these energies in my body and it was around the same time that I started to look deeper into astrology was a couple of years before I started doing it professionally and it was a little longer than that but um and so I I was recognizing that I had this pattern of not falling asleep in some kind of cycle like this like you know sleep has been kind of elusive for me it's a congenital things and it's in my family but there seemed to be some pattern so I was like what is this pattern about and I noticed it was coming with the full moons and I'm like okay and then I noticed it wasn't all of the food there was something else that was going on and it was when the moon the moon and Uranus were in the mix together and then I realized there's like oh well that makes sense because that's in my natal chart that's a nice sort of like innate makeup that I might be sensitive to that sort of stuff and I've always blown out electronics ever since I was a kid you know just like touch your TV a book just breaks like okay thanks so there there's a sense of electricity in the air for me that kind of keeps me wired late at night and I'm also naturally a night owl anyway and then of course with everything going on with the you know the shutdown and just working from home more it's like okay all of those consistency things are kind of like at the - so all of those things together this is what I've been noticing so far kind of feeling that way where it's just like you can do all the things that make you feel grounded and stable but then you're gonna also have like these bursts of energy and like all of the stuff is going to come up and you just gotta write it out I've been feeling that way in the last couple days and I noticed you know everyone is cyclical to some extent but kind of going off of what you're saying is what I'm I'm noticing in myself as I've been having like a lot of energy between just yesterday and today which is really kind of rare because I'm actually on my moon it's usually a time where I'm like really kind of slow and intuitive and kind of in creative writing mode but not really a go go go in last few days I've had so much energy and I'm just like oh my gosh what do I do with this where do I channel it and it's like if I don't channel it I feel like it's really easy for me to be distracted because I have so much that I love to get into so I'm like okay how do i how do I stay in this this mode of channel stay grounded don't distract yourself too much but you can only do so much I guess to have that control and eventually it's just more of a surrender mode but I'm definitely feeling energies riding the wave that's so perfectly stated and you know these are like cosmic waves of energy right so we are feeling them in our bodies at least for me so that was the sort of gold nugget of the intro to my story before which is that so I started to know so cycles right and I was I was noticing the connection between you're just in the moon and then one day after making that connection I think it might have been the next month or something or I don't remember exactly you know at what time frame these things happen and the sequence but definitely happened like this and that this came next where I was like okay wait a minute I swear to God I can feel its energy pulling on me right now like I I can feel it right so here's what I did I sort of located it in my senses if you will and and and kind of like pinpointed the the source direction and I and I pointed at it with my finger I was like okay it's coming from there and then I went and I downloaded one of those star map apps that you know show you like this guy basically and it was exactly where I point okay so so it was just like a feeling like it from from my head in my ears and also like internally and viscerally right like as if you're feeling sound coming from a speaker but like more on a subtler level maybe even like an electric internal nervous system level where you're like feeling the electrical impulses inside so I pointed basically out out into you know time-space to the direction like externally right and it was like basically like the top-left corner of the room or whatever you know like if you're entering so okay I pointed in the direction that I felt it right and then I looked it up with the map on my phone lap and it was in the same spot when was this this was in 2010 during the uranus-pluto square and that's when I learned about the uranus-pluto square intimately I was like oh that makes a lot of sense and then of course Pluto is my chart ruler because I have Scorpio Rising so it's like two of my heavy energies you know right there and strong tension along with the moon during like Eclipse seasons and full moons I would notice this as I do I get a lot of creative inspiration a lot of innovation a lot of you know ingenuity and things and and that's all of the energy of your innocent warious which we're about to go into also in December with Jupiter and Saturn's ingress into Aquarius so there's a lot of the energy already it's like it's we're electrifying we and it's gonna kind of keep going what do you see for the next like six months to year or two like from knowing all you know about astrology from that level right now we have the notes of the moon in Sagittarius and in Gemini the north-to-south others in Sagittarius and the North node is in Gemini and so we just had Venus retrograde in Gemini and she's gonna go direct actually she took right already I felt the energy shift I'm actually feeling it shift right now where's like any sort of like romantic sort of interest or situations what have happened they kind of quieted down which we've had Venus retrograde for the past 40 days about and all of a sudden now it's like a flood of possibility in that arena and it's like well this is another example of feeling the energies shift right and so now she hasn't gone to right just yet but she's about to go direct in a few hours so in about two hours she'll be direct so she's stationing direct right now and I can already feel a shift in my experience it's showing up right so in any case other people will see similar things in their own way in their own right like whatever is going on in their lives with the Venus energy which is the feminine which is our values you know our possessions these things we care about and and want to look good and you know have the aesthetics and all that enos related things so she's about to approach a conjunction with our collective transiting North node in the North node represents destiny and so the conjunction of them together which is a few days away yeah the moon is gonna also get in between then they can jump about a week after on August 3rd and so there's going to be some sort of destined connections with regards to our relationships and also communication because this is all happening in sign of Gemini the North node is in the sign of Gemini for basically the next year and a half almost that less but so Gemini and Sagittarius are the axis of education humor it's air and fire so there's our masculine elements uplifting qualities right lighter than sort of the grounding earth and water and so there's a lot of you know intellectualism with Gemini and then also belief with Sagittarius and faith and religion Gemini is also education and communication right so this is highlighted in this season as well oops we just had because that's where the North node was the Sun was just a few degrees away it's zero degrees cancer and so we're also really connecting with everything that's been going on with the world you know in the world stage or on social justice and the emotions and the deep things that are happening in our communication in our relationship and so with the Venus retrograde having been there during the Eclipse you know that signifies that that energy is going to be still with us until the next Eclipse cycle is over we still have one more Eclipse coming up on July 4th which is pretty powerful I would say for you know American culture the symbolism there that Eclipse is going to be in Capricorn and cancer it's going to be another shift that we're going to experience with regards to the structures of our lives and the world and the collective and then you know how we feel about those structures in our home and you know what emotions and and kind of nurturance that we want to experience or create and so these are gonna be shifts that are happening during these Eclipse cycles now that's the thing about Eclipse is its create the US for the six months I think I mentioned it because cycles happen every six months basically there's either they come in either pairs or in three and normally it's in pairs but sometimes it's in three and this last one or this one we're in right now we're still in Eclipse season is it three Eclipse cycle we just had two so that's also powerful they're not all total eclipses so that's also kind of why I think that don't quote me on that one yet but because they're not total eclipses it's I think that's why it happens three of them because it's not fully aligned on there is a total solar eclipse coming up in December and it is just two eclipses one back-to-back in there two weeks apart and this is you know repeatable you always see those patterns with the clipped cycles every six months two weeks apart solar lunar lunar solar so we have some shifts coming up and through this next six months every Eclipse cycle basically sets up the next six months are until the next cycle we have all the energy that was going on during this period of eclipses we're still not done it's basically when the first eclipse happens the Eclipse season portal opens and when the last eclipse happens the Eclipse season portal closes so during that time frame between the first and last Eclipse that energy that you're experiencing basically energetically setting up the next six months so we can kind of predict what will experience based on what we're experiencing now but it's gonna be more drawn-out more spaced out with greater detail obviously because we're talking about spitting a month into six months right but then also you know there's gonna be more subtle nuances of every you know individual detail that happens over that six months but there are some predictable patterns that we can make like for example with Jupiter and Saturn going into Aquarius Aquarius is a sign of the collective of humanitarianism of liberation of freedom and also Revolution and upheaval and chaos and change and so with both of those heavy-hitting planets moving into Aquarius at the same time just as we're going out of the last Eclipse which is in December which is a total solar eclipse that's on December 14 and so major major shifts on the horizon massive and even to the potential of you know an American Revolution we can see it already happening and and there's more on the way you know because Saturn just went into Aquarius it was retrograde and now it's actually retrograding it's leaving Aquarius soon it's gonna go back into Capricorn so we've already gotten the taste of it but we're gonna get more of it in December and it's gonna get supercharged with Jupiter always expanding what it touches okay so based on what you know about astrology do you see like upcoming at any point kind of coming back to like a place of stability with everything like there's this great upheaval there's this revolution you can see that like can you also see when it kind of stabilizes or is that not in the foreseeable future at all well let's take a look and see if we can you know find some relative information to answer that question Mars is going to go retrograde as well soon mercury is currently retrograde now until July 13th mercury goes direct so that's gonna improve our communications you know the fact that Venus went direct or is going direct in a couple of hours it's already gonna bring some shift and some positivity with regards to all of the notion related things money our values our relationships right so that's already set for improvement and when they can junked with Venus and the North node that's also gonna bring you know beauty and prosperity and all the blessings that the Venus goddess energy is associated with on a collective level on a destined level and you know you can look to where Gemini is in your chart you can figure out the house you'll find out specifically where that ship will show up for you personally we have Uranus in Taurus and Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and all of that you know shocking upheaval and so Taurus is all that stability stuff you know it's also what Venus rules and also you know rules money and gold and resources and so you know there is gonna be some change a lot of change around all of those sort of stable aspects of life for a while but there's always absent flows right there's the waves of energy and different things you know the Jupiter energy going into Aquarius Aquarius is is liberation and freedom so there's you know good potentials on the horizon the thing that I say the most about all of it this is it's always up to us you know more than anything like what are we choosing to do with these energies that are showing up and how are we choosing to channel them just like you said that's the most important thing I can say to answer that question in terms of like stability and support and things but there are signs that we can see and with all of the retrograde energies that we have now Jupiter's retrograde pluto is retrograde Saturn is return at ingest went retrograde a couple days ago and so we've had all these planets retrograde and then thankfully Venus is about to go direct and then mercurial go direct soon and that will help but then shortly after Mars he's gonna go retrograde and then starting in September Jupiter goes direct and so it's direct in Capricorn and that should help to make the structures that we do have improve their lot because with the Jupiter retrograde energy it's like Jupiter's expansion is a little bit hindered or just sort of like the benefits and the things that we're manifesting might feel a little bit delayed or like as an undercurrent and undertow not quite moving forward with the momentum they were while it was direct and so once it goes direct on number thirteen it's going to bring more of that positive you know inspirational forward moving energy into the structures of our lives and so there you know you could expect maybe some greater ease or some blessings to show up around that time and then it's just a few days later actually when Saturn also goes direct in Capricorn and Pluto also goes direct in Capricorn a few days after that and we also have some good news with this next Eclipse coming up to we're still not even out of the Eclipse cycle so what are we doing with these potentials and this energy I mean thinking of it it could be a love revolution right it doesn't have to be a riot revolution it's up to us how were you gonna channel these energy venus going direct things are about to get easier around our communication and our relationships and with all that Aquarian energy coming in the future we can be sure that there's a freedom available to us that's on its way but it's like we're getting to be mature enough to communicate about this in our relationships right we've had a lot of shadow stuff from the past holding us back and doing the whole divide and conquer thing and now I'm right now I'm right now I'm serve you know I'm superior and all of this just in fighting and the aquarius energy is about the collective right like coming together as a community and so we have the opportunity and we're seeing it now play out I believe you know with with the black lives matter movement and you know addressing systemic racism and talking about equality right all of these things humanitarian ideals civil rights human rights this is very much a part of the Aquarius energy and with all the miscommunications and the misunderstandings and like the bringing stuff up from the past that's related to Venus retrograde because it happened during this Eclipse season we're gonna have that also extrapolate throughout the next six months so the next six months is an opportunity for us to heal these you know miscommunications and these divisions in our relationships and our connections and really come together and rise into a new collective freedom
that opportunity and so it's it's up to us to choose that or do we want you know the other potentially lower aspects of Uranus can I ask you a question for some of our listeners probably aren't really familiar with astrology maybe just have like a baseline knowledge of it we hear about mercury and retrograde and all the other planets and retrograde a lot can you just kind of explain it like what exactly does that mean and is it always about like oh no we should hide under a rock because this planet is in retrograde like what does that actually mean yeah it's a great question you know because there's often a lot of misunderstandings around these kinds of things where people just hear one thing about it and they assume that one thing is true and so you know it doesn't leave any space for the dynamism or the nuance of the experience right that's the problem with words in general but with a retrograde I like to think of it like that energy wave right I mean we can think of the moon cycles full moon new moon right and how we feel in our bodies with the cycles how we feel emotionally as the moon represents emotions and feeling and water and intuition and all of that and so we have similar cycles with retrogrades and planets kind of moving forward in in their direction and apparently backward it's like when you're driving on the highway and you pass a car and it looks like it's going behind you backwards but it's just a different relative speed right that's that's basically what's happening with retrogrades but experientially we're talking about you know feeling sort of energetic current maybe deflate or lessen or you know become more muted and I like to use the analogy of an undertow or a current in water it's like when you're at the beach and then you feel this wave pull you backwards even though you're swimming forward right it's still kind of pulling you backward and then eventually the next wave comes and pushes you forward and so that's kind of like what a retrograde is it's like this energy is pulling you back and then when it goes to right it pushes you forward so what is your best advice when we are in that energy of being with the retrograde energy I'd say the best advice is to trust and know that it's temporary and that it's a time to revisit revise review and revalue right retrogrades are about the re and so if we're doing that and just understanding that that's part of the cycle and being aware of it that can be really beneficial especially if you're doing so mindfully right like standing that the energies associated with that planet are maybe you know muted or diminished and so it's like during Mack Mercury retrograde it's not the best time to sign a contract for example because most likely the details will change after mercury goes direct so you know you don't necessarily want to have to have extra work for yourself right it's not to say that you can't send a contract or it's never a good idea that's too absolute because maybe sometimes you don't have that option or maybe that's not even what's necessary there are people who say you know never do anything new in a Mercury retrograde but then you know I just had a new project workwise that happened that was you know total success with these eclipses you know dance event and it was beautiful miss brilliant and was during a retrograde you know Venus retrograde cycle so also I started my first online class right this is a day Venus went retrograde ironically though the class had to be rescheduled for two dates later and then I'm like oh interesting Mercury Venus retrograde in Gemini Mercury sign has a little bit of a flavor similar to Mercury retrograde I was like okay that's interesting I wasn't exactly that one but made sense so yeah just be mindful about how those energies can show up and and energies of the planet so in the case of Venus be careful and cautious and patient with your relationships right and also your money and like that's you know the time to reevaluate those things with just kind of like a patient observers perspective and understand that once the cycle is over then you'll be in a new place regarding those things right naturally as a result of these cycles and then mercury is more about communication right our thoughts all of those electrical impulses internally in the nervous system and that's why with Mercury retrograde is it's good to give yourself a little extra time for travel probably there will be miscommunications delays I've seen a whole bunch of miscommunications I've experienced a few of them myself I've contributed to them a few of them myself been seeing you know problems with my internet especially today in my nervous system my body was super tired today which is interesting and I said that today because today was Wednesday Wednesday is Mercury's day every day has a planet and so you know there are these connections of trouble so just understanding some of the symbols at least if you can just connect with one symbol and just like really to that not in a rigid way but more like a playful explorative way and see how that might be showing up somewhere in your life in a similar symbolic fashion I I think it's so interesting and from what I'm understanding you saying is the system using astrology as a whole like really provides a lot of insight and that allows you to navigate through this reality with that kind of almost an upper hand and knowing what to be aware of and I'm just curious could you just give your backstory like how did you get into astrology and then in what ways does it help you in your personal life and how do you use it to kind of navigate through life the best way because someone like me who's you know I've dabbled in this very casually I don't know that much about it like I said like I know about Mercury retrograde and my rising in my assignment and some of my natal chart but like as far as what is happening in current times and how to use it like how could your basic listener like apply this into their life and really use it to empower themselves so I have a lot of questions for concert once thanks a lot yeah all at once we'll see I'll try my best to answer as much as I can tell me at first where you got into that how I got into it well I was always interested in it but I didn't necessarily resonate with it entirely because yeah I'm a Virgo Sun Sign and I felt that but it turns out there's a lot more to the picture that I you know is very different and you know obviously there was a resonance missing for me too I got em one chart reading done electronically online I think it was about 19 and it had a lot of resonance as well and I was like well that's interesting I just kind of like put it in the back of my mind and didn't go any further with it until much later when I was about 26 27 was 2011 and I had my first like live professional astrology reading from an astrologer and he told me things about my full natal chart that I had no idea existed you know the rising sign the moon and then all the other planets and they're all very important you know so having the big picture it provided such a context for my life it made sense it explained everything I even cried I was like wow he just he just told my whole life you know I mean I'm a sensitive guy so I'll cry sometimes for like happy things and that's what it was you know it was a very beautiful experience to feel so seen and recognized in ways that I was even coming to terms with at the time and not fully confident with and to hear it you know reflected back was a huge you know inspiration right so so that's why it was very emotional experience for me but um yeah I was hooked at that point and I started to study and learn as much about it as I could and then finally you know seven years later I realized that I wanted to do it professionally I said you know it's helped me so much in my life and understand myself right timet know say if you you know yourself you that's whether your empowerment is right by knowing yourself self-knowledge and so then of course with the the charts and once you get into the transits and understanding what's currently happening as it relates to you and your personal makeup then you can start to even predict things and say okay this is a cycle for my rest or this is a cycle for my work or this is a cycle for my relationships and you can start to even predict these things to down to the dates you know don't necessarily need to even predict like the exact experience about what's going to happen and you can't even necessarily do that because we do still have free will but we have the potential to navigate these waves with conscious awareness and use into our advantage right so part of the reason why I believe the event to be so successful was because it was on an eclipse right we chose that day consciously because I wanted the Eclipse energy to feed it like I'm you know I'm a little bit of a wizard in that way like I practiced Wicca as a teenager and I understand that these cycles mean something right energetically so you know being aware of them and starting to learn your own chart and then you know learn some of the symbols about what's currently happening can really give you like you set an upper hand in terms of you know planning just planning your life and also of course that the self recognition of your own soul journey because that's what the astrology represents it's like your astrological fingerprint and it also is your map as well like where's your soul going what is it carrying what a gifts what challenges like these things are invaluable information and then how do you yeah just you know start to notice the archetypes learn yourself learn other people's charts too if you can you know in your relationships it's massively helpful in relationships to connect with the chart of yourself and another individual because then you also know what you're dealing with in that relationship and you can have a really great idea of the compel compatibilities or the incompatibilities you know and the lessons the lessons that the relationship will bring the challenges that will bring there's an objectivity to it there are generalizations to that's true they might not always fit but there will definitely be a lot of accuracy within some of those generalizations if not many and we can use those to guide the process you know thank you so much for telling us all your wisdom that you've gained from this amazing system I heard a quote once from a friend who told me that astrology for her was like the best life coach because it let her be more aware of certain patterns and what to be on the lookout for would you agree with that absolutely by far-- yes and there's even deeper levels you know I've gotten a little bit into Vedic Astrology I'm looking into zodanga releasing which is very predictive and it does affect the question like okay is there free will if we can look at that city and make these kinds of predictions I haven't gotten into the expertise of that level yet enough to understand exactly how it works but I do know that it on my 30th birthday I came across some Vedic Astrology chol information that pointed out on the day and this was like you know my Saturn return basically right 28 30 years and it's a hard time Saturn is like hard lessons back to achieve mastery in something and I was lay down on my back was having more back problems that I had you know thought were better and they were for time but then you know back to the sort of basics of square 0 like nothing laid out of my back could barely move Wow and so I don't know I also kind of had this sense this was before I came to the realization of Uranus is you know location and that level of sensitivity but I was also you know intuitive having these sensations and inner feelings about these things being real and I was like you know what I want to look into the Vedic I knew it was more predictive and I would manage to find a website online I can't find it again it was really great because it also gave the interpretations as well as like the basic information so it went and it described my life on a year-by-year basis basically and it started off by saying the first 30 years that this life will be hard and I just started what a relief exactly it's validation right and there's a sub wise golden eared astrologer who said to me the charts don't lie I was like oh that is right they people may lie to themselves about the charts but the charts don't lie it's kind of an objective thing it's being able to interpret it so astrology is in that sense icon language is very much a language actually I love that and I think it's so easy to like really be in denial and kind of bypass certain things that you might not want to look at so it's like actually you gotta address this it's like I'm not gonna let you hide in that sense which may be true but I think at the end is probably for the best yeah and it's objective it's right there in front of your face you know so so another question I have for you and I think that a lot of people can probably relate who would be listening to this is the sudden return I went through mine a few years ago sometimes I hear that it might be like into the 30s as well can you just dive into that a little bit and tell me like what does it mean when do you have it what's the purpose of it absolutely the typical Saturn cycle is about 28 and a half years but it can be longer can be 30 you know this these cycles aren't always exact because there is a little heaven flow so there's a little bit a variation like Venus is normally retrograde for 40 days but this time it was a little bit longer he was yeah I was a little bit longer so it's it can be conceived a little bit and so that's part of the variability that you were talking about you know it also does again depend on our choices right like are we working with the Saturn energy and the Capricorn energy the career energy the structured 10th house energy of you know doing the same thing every day doing the 9:00 to 5:00 and that's not to say that you have to do all of those things or has to look exactly one way but are you committed to your goals and the structures that you're building in your life right that's the question that Saturn asks of us basically and so are you doing that when you're 28 29 30 are you actually maturing or are you holding on to things that are holding you back and so depending on how you choose to relate to this energy will also depend on how long you experience it because Saturn's not gonna let you get away with it and you're gonna have to do it and it's gonna be easier or harder and you're basically the one to choose right it's like you do what you want to do this the easy way I do hunt do this the hard way that's another we'll say to us right so so you can show up in a variability of 20 excuse me 28 and a half to 30 years but then even you can feel it you know with every seven years because it's about a quarter of a Saturn cycle so squaring the squares our attention points in energetics and so you can also feel those cycles every seven years on a smaller degree right so there's a lot of connectivity and interconnectedness with all of this stuff because it is holographic and it is all connected it is all one you know the universe is us and we are the universe and all that's true in the astrology chart is a reflection of that again it's like our you know energetic galactic fingerprint if you will there's their soul essence and you know the gifts and the challenges that we came in with it's all there in the chart to it and the planetary energies so yeah it makes it makes all the difference in the world I was just gonna say that's so interesting because I know that like from a human standpoint where people aren't even bringing in astrology into the mix the upper 20s is when you start to really get serious about life in general and you're like okay I'm not a twenty something like I mean it's serious like where is my life going what am i doing and then by the time you hit thirty like when I hit thirty I was like oh my gosh I'm out of my twenties what am i doing where am I going kind of like this whole reassessment phase of who you are and what you want your life to stand for and it's just so cool that it's actually like oh yeah that's explained with Saturn return like yeah that's of course written in the stars already I love that the human side of things is perfectly in alignment with the astrological side of things as well another question I have for you is can you just run through quickly like what is means you have your Sun Moon and rising so the Sun represents our conscious mind the radiant masculine force or the young energy right and the moon represents our intuitive mind the feminine internal feeling mother energy and the rising or the horizon also as well as ascendant is what's on our perspective what's on our view like what is our vision in the world for the world how do we perceive the world and even how the world can perceive us how we can be seen so you know you think about like what's on your horizons right like that's the ascendant and so they're each different expressions of these astrological energies or you know they show up different ways right the masculine the feminine and then this you know neutral but also very powerful perspective and so yeah that's the main components of the chart and then you know you have Venus's relationships and feminine and Mars is masculinity in action and Mercury is communication in our mind you know so on and so forth which with each of the planets Jupiter's expansions and it is contraction and new platoon of spirituality Pluto is death and rebirth so these are the major players Wow okay so now I have to ask a little bit about myself when we talked about this last time we talked also but I'm just curious what would you say just musing like I got a Sun the moon the rising like I'm a cancer Sun and then I'm an Aries and Aries Aries moon Aries raising could you tell me what that exactly not exactly but like give me a little bit of detail what that means okay no I have a nurturing energy of the cancer as far as I know like Aries is very like kind of a little bit stubborn and almost confrontational at times just didn't show up in an infinite amount of ways there's no different octaves or expressions of the same energies right so you could say that the Aries energy could be a bit self-directed but you could also say it's a leadership quality and so it depends on us how we choose to express those energies right are we expressing it from our higher self or we express lower self place so that's where our choice really matters but the patterns will still have you know some some similarities and with the rising you know it's like okay the energy of that sign is gonna be really on your perspective right so so with the Aries rising you're gonna be really focused on what it is that's right for you and that doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing it could mean that you might step on some toes along the way because you're just not as aware of the sort of the Venus opposite house you know seventh house Aries first house is the same thing and so Venus in the seventh house you know ruler of Libra and relationships and balance and fairness it was like those things might be a blind spot for you because that's on the descendant right which is the opposite side of the chart where the Sun sets and so it's just not you know for me I have Taurus on my descendant right Scorpios my rising so I have that true scorpion ability to see down to the depths of things like beyond the surface rights cuerpos depths and then Taurus which is like the earth material possessions and all those things have always really kind of eluded me and it's like oh yeah money issues my whole life because of Venus retrograde and Taurus on my descendant oh that makes sense and so now that you know I've mature and the retrograde energy is not as strong it's improved and those things are shifting so there are different cycles and potentials of energy as well so then you know when we go into the transits we can find out more personal information about our process but having the foundation and the grounding of like what we're dealing with is the key in terms of like the relative understanding of what we're gonna be meeting or maybe arising - and then the moon is the emotional feeling so you said cancer Sun right conscious mind is really focused on caring for others and then you know the moon and the rise it's your feeling though and your perspective might be a little bit more focused on you know your vision and what you want to pioneer in the world because Aries is that initiating energy it's just going to be a mix it's a mix that you're here to explore and experience in this incarnation and that's what you came here for basically so just kind of roll with it and just you know identify it alongside of what your intentions and your goals and your process are and you know you'd have the best use of that information that's so cool and you mentioned earlier on in our conversation that like this is a free-will universe right so like none of these things are here to put a label on you or put you in a box it's just things that you can be aware of to use to get you closer towards your authentic self is that what you would say well said in fact yes and that's part of our souls journey right we came in here with a purpose so to know that then we're looking to the North node and our destiny in our personal chart and you know the Midheaven who will tell us about our career and I'll work in the world yeah we want that information right to be able to align with it versus resist it and maybe get lost in the material world that might have something contrary to say you know or someone else's Authority that might try and overtake us it's like well no this is my my path right here this is this is what it says look look at that and that's a deep spiritual lesson I think just on a human level also just even you know talking to different people who might have like the best of intentions for you but if you're constantly getting advice externally and you're going off of that advice is the best thing for you to do it's not always gonna be the best thing like you really have to sit and feel into your own energy and your heart and like what is that telling you and learn how to listen to the inner guidance system first and foremost and everything else can be a great addition to that but not necessarily the end-all be-all so a definite personal lesson that I am learning lately yeah I think we're all learning that Lonesome level yeah I believe it what about is there anything like any key takeaways that you would like to to tell the listeners before we kind of wrap it everything up yeah just considering an exploration you know Sagittarius is the sign of higher education right along with Gemini but Sagittarius is more like universal truths and philosophy and kind of like more broad thinking right like bigger thoughts and not necessarily trying to find answers or one right conclusion but considering all the possibilities that's the energy of also the center which Sagittarius represents right the archer and if we can explore it with that energy we're actually accessing the the teachings of astrology with which the centaurs would teach centaurs would study the Stars and would teach astrology just just exploring and playing with symbols and understanding you know we're trying to understand and not getting too fixed on any one way and thinking more broadly right looking at the bigger picture when we start to look at our chart that naturally happens then we also when we look at the current chart and you just go to planet watch or calm right it'll tell you the current chart and you'll see where the planets are and start to relate to those things in a personal way it's like okay you know what I'm feeling this way the moon is here oh that's right where my rising is no wonder I'm feeling kind of emotional or Moody or you know some kind of like connection between those energies and just you know just just play with it have fun with it you know and say open mind it and it will grace you with a lot of wisdom if you just keep that open mind awesome and one more time what was the website that's called planet watcher dot-com perfect and we can link that in the show notes as well as as well as how to find you and connect with you Adam what do you think is the best way for people to reach out to you if they want to get a reading the best way to reach out to me would be to send me an email to info at all life yoga and they can also check out my website with the same name raw life yoga like raw food raw truth and there's also an Instagram by the same name so those are some great ways to connect with me and yeah thank you so much for creating the space for this conversation it was it's almost a pleasure to share in my passion of astrology with others and I think it's so cool and just really supportive honestly you know it's activist kind of like some objective feedback about where we are and where we're headed with regards to this these larger planetary patterns and cycles thanks so much for coming on I think conversations like this are so powerful I'm glad that we got to connect last thing I don't know if you're interested at all in angel cards or fairy cards but I have my deck of fairy cards and I'd love to pull one for you absolutely I love the angel cards of Doreen Virtue wands so this is actually it's a violating and Caryn case and I'm gonna tell you the quick story is I had okay I'm gonna give me maybe too much detail but basically I had this download years ago about my sister Rice write the name I don't know if you've ever heard of Rebecca Campbell but she's an amazing healer intuitive she's written a couple books one being rises to rise and I just had I heard the name at one point and I would like when to go google it and it's a book so I'm like okay let me read this book so I listened to it I loved it loved her so I went to go buy her cards and I bought cards and then like a day or two later they come and it's this card deck which is called Oracle of the fairies by Karen case so it's like clearly they're wrong one and I'm like witnesses so I actually I it was beautiful but I was like well no I really like that book so I'm gonna return it so I returned it and reordered the the other cards well guess what return to me know what the same area cards twice yeah I had just gotten back to the USA from like living in Asia for the year and last year I had this place and there was a garden in front and I called it the fairy garden and there used to be like dragonflies and butterflies and all of these things just this beautiful essence of like Gardens fairies all over so I was really connecting with that energy like okay this is clearly a sign that these are my fairy cards these are the ones that are gonna stick with me I'm gonna travel the world with them so that's story so these are really special to me like my mom I believe it's like some kind of fairy
yeah or you know we have them or something right I mean they say that creative people tend to have fairies and I never even identified myself as a creative person when I was younger at this point in my life I have to admit yes it's there so maybe I have a theory absolutely feel connected to that yeah it's a beautiful energy so let's see what the fairies have in store for you today I'm just gonna pull a card let's find out okay so this one is hidden depths something hidden is about come too late perhaps the secret or memory at the back of your mind when we expose what's hidden we can become free above it I will send you over a picture of the actual like I have a little booklet attached and it's a little bit longer let me know in the next couple days but what happens if that resonates at all I'm curious to know yeah like a screenshot of it - or a photo I won't send you a picture of it Adam yeah it was great to talk to you and thank you for like staying up so late and I am sure you're probably like ready to go to sleep it's like you're so fine I'm ready to to eat something for sure and then probably maybe go to sleep we'll see I took that nap during the day I would like some sleep but I'm actually not that tired so it was a pleasure I'm glad that we got to supper to need to connect and talk I love your perspective I think you have so much wisdom to share and so I'm really glad and excited that you're doing these podcasts I think it's going to contribute a lot to the collective conversation
so many good insights from today's episode I hope you all enjoyed my conversation with Adam and you got to learn a little bit more about astrology you are so supported she update you were so loved even the next day you are already whole and you are divine talk to you soon