Give Yourself Permission
Give Yourself Permission explores the nature of consciousness and how you can apply it to your personal evolution. Sprinkled with humor, empowerment, personal stories and interviews with consciousness teachers, GYP will catalyze your spiritual growth in a deep, soulful way.
Give Yourself Permission
Ep. 1 - Evolving Past Our Limitations (Solocast)
Welcome to the show that teaches you how to say yes to your inner guidance system.
EP 1: Evolving Past Our Limitations
In today’s solocast we’re going to talk about the ego, how the subconscious mind creates our reality, and shifting our paradigm.
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Key Quotes From This Episode
"Whatever beliefs you hold your ego will make sure they get created."
"Most people are not even vibrating in a high enough frequency to attract what they want."
"Find your sacred alone time, it's the most powerful way to receive downloads and inspiration to find the energy to create. That's where so much magic happens."
Welcome to the give yourself permission podcast! I am so excited to take this journey with you. In this show we'll share how to evolve as a spiritual being while remaining human. We'll learn powerful tools and methods to rewire the brain heal energy blocks tap into our intuition and be your own healers. We'll bring on experts in the field to answer the questions that keep us up at night and I'll be adding plenty of solo casts so I can share what's worked based on personal experience, all while learning how to write our own permission slip to find our innate wholeness and create a life that's in alignment with our souls expression. So what are we waiting for? Let's get started!
Whatever beliefs you hold your ego we'll make sure that that is created right so you are the god of your own Kingdom your own queendom on a micro scale your universe is very much supported by the ego now this means the ego is not all bad and I hope that we have gotten to this point where were not trying to kill our ego anymore and listen that's where I started when I first woke up on the spiritual journey and I was learning about ego and all it does to work against us it was like oh my gosh she's just overcome the ego separate be the observer be the witness the ego can very much serve us in fact it's keeping us contained in this physical form it's keeping us in this human body and that's a beautiful delightful thing let me remind you because the body has the ability to experience this reality that means you get to go out and play and experience yourself and the world and that's so joyous I mean it can suck and be really painful but think of all the pleasure that comes with being on this earth I mean being able to listen to good music or listen to good podcasts right mm-hmm shameless plug I know what about dancing what about moving in the body what about yoga it feels so good to open the body to open the muscles and you know even just going into a hot tub and feeling that sensation the warm the warm bath on your skin how about tasting right we can get into all the senses here we can taste the most delicious foods I think about biting into a juicy dragon fruit if you've never had the experience or pleasure of biting into a ripe bright pink dragon fruit your life will never be the same once you do I'm telling you and what about sight seeing a beautiful beautiful flower seeing a beautiful smile on someone you love how about when you walk past a really captivating person you catch their eye that is a sensation that you get to experience through being grounded here in this 3d physical reality which your ego supports I cannot discount the ego and neither can you we don't want to my loves we don't want to we just have to learn how to make it our friend and not be living in the subconscious or the unconscious there's really two selves if you look at it this way there's the high self there's the light body itself there's the conscious aware self and then there's the shadow self and whether we like it or not we have both sides to us even if we didn't go through extreme trauma in childhood or anything like that we still have the shadow we still have triggers we still have things that we filtered from our experience that maybe didn't filter properly so what I'm saying is at the time you witnessed or experienced or learned of something you input it into your system and it kind of like malfunctioned right almost like a computer virus and it's gotten held in your cells and in your body and you've carried it with you and we create this baggage surrounding it and that's the veil that we walk through life with right so they say at four years old four years old is really the time where you're not conditioned in fact they say this I learned this in yoga my teacher training that four years old is about the time before the spine has any pressures on it right so think about the spine and think about gravity and how much weight we put on the spine right if you have a healthy spinal cord you have a healthy body healthy physical body and you can create a healthier happier reality for yourself because you have that flexibility to twist and bend and move and you have the agility right so four years old it's right around that time where you're not really conditioned the spine is not really conditioned and neither are you however right around the time where experts are saying it's seven or eight I've also heard anywhere from zero to twenty five we're really in our subconscious mind so that means everything that we're learning we're inputting into the subconscious which is what is controlling 95% of our existence right there's a subconscious on the conscious mind the conscious mind is the one that we really are trying to live from however we're not we're living in the subconscious mind because again that's where all the storage is that's where all of our data is and if we have a limited belief about our self that is going straight into what forms our identity and when we form our identity from a limiting belief let's give a very common example you might have heard this before your parents saying money doesn't grow on trees or something along those lines right creating lack and limitation I know it happened to me I know it happened to me my loves and it's probably happened to you and it's okay and it's not our fault when we have a limited belief it's not certainly not our fault when we have trauma don't ever let anyone say it's your fault yet it is our responsibility and it is our opportunity that's the word I'm looking for it is our opportunity especially in this time-space reality our current present existence like never before people are waking up there are more resources the Internet has such a vast amount of resources there are experts everywhere that we can connect to on social media we can send them a message we send them a comma and they can respond and reply oh my gosh we have so much information at our fingertips to help us shift through these wounds and let's not even call them wounds help us shift our vibration so that we can match and be a vibrational match to a higher frequency as in we can attract what we actually want in life because here's a little secret and I didn't know this until I went into a coffee shop in Bali and read it in a book that was sitting there and it was saying we all hear about Law of Attraction most people cannot or are not even vibrating high enough in a high enough frequency to attract what they want so their manifestations are coming from the subconscious mind do you understand what that means it's hard to wrap your head around but it's basically saying like you need to shift your paradigm still like you're not playing big enough you're learning a little bit of it you're dabbling here getting your toes in the water you know maybe you're meditating maybe try to meditate 10 minutes a day maybe you slip up sometimes but are you truly committed are you truly committed to growth and to really committed to change because that's what is going to be the key to increasing you vibration and your frequency and here's the thing I get it right I I am starting this podcast I'm speaking from my truth so I've been there and I'm by no means a guru but something I have learned throughout this whole self-study self evolution journey is that things get trapped inside the body things get stored inside the body so if we feel at a very basic level if we feel like we're contracted and we're in the state of contraction often like that's our dominant state it's a really shitty feeling and we really want to move away from it however we don't want to come to terms that we even feel contracted so a lot of the practices that we do right unconscious practices our habits are serving the distraction so what are we doing we're escaping we find different forms of escape on our phone we're always hanging out with friends we're always you know just not in our own energy we always find a reason or a way to not sit in stillness like we freaking take our phones to the bathroom okay what the heck I get it like we have to post and we have to keep up and with all the trends and stuff but look it's just a way of escape and that's okay it doesn't mean you're a bad or good person however this is kind of like the game that keeps us stuck in the cyclical loop of not really evolving past our limitations right so see it as a closed loop your ego wants to keep you safe and keep you small so it's not going to really allow in that space it's gonna keep you wanting to go hang out with friends or go watch this movie or just distract somehow always seeking external and then we go to the second phase where we're kind of getting into more of an awakening and more of a healthy lifestyle and maybe we are starting to go to yoga and we're starting to appreciate self-love practices and then we're like researching researching researching we're listening to the people and the masters and all of this stuff and we're just consuming all this information and that's a great stage to be and it's really exciting and it can bring you so much however you're still not fully seeking within right and that's kind of the phase that I got stuck on for a few years and I'm trying to remember if there was a pivot point for me where I finally realized it's not about going to yoga it's not about going to an astrologist or a great healer and yes those things are all great going to ceremony even having the high vibe conversations right all of those things are golden and I my greatest wish for you is that you attract that into your life however we often miss the key element of just being alone with ourselves and it doesn't even have to look like meditation a structured meditation right it can you can set a timer you can sit and breathe or it can just simply be more time spent alone more time spent in your energy and ding-ding-ding here's a big one more time creating what are you creating I want you to ask yourself that question because it's so valid we come from a very consumption-based society especially if you see on facebook on Instagram you know you're scrolling scrolling scrolling we're just consuming content what about creation and it can look like anything recently I bought colored pencils and I've just been coloring and I've just been making silly pictures the other night I drew this picture of what my ideal world would look like and I taped it to my wall bring it back to play play and creation and you know even even talking to yourself like what I'm doing on this podcast however I'm actually talking to you guys but this is a form of creation to just exorcising the voice what can you do to create that's going to help you become more hiya and so is play right so enjoy whatever you're doing find enjoyment with it and try to schedule in time where you're in your own sacred energy I cannot drive this home enough especially as a traveler right you know I've traveled the world this past year and I'm so grateful to have done that and I've met amazing amazing people along the way and it's very easy to go out all the time trying to connect with people because you don't have a sense of home so you try to find a sense of community and we can talk about that on a later podcast however you have to be really aware of coming back to yourself especially if you're feeling like you're lonely and you want to do the whole escapism thing that's actually your shadow talking to you and it's it's your inner child and it's saying please listen to me I have so much wisdom for you and that's why I'm talking and that's why you can feel me and that's why you're uncomfortable anytime we're uncomfortable it's asking us it's asking us to go deeper our body knows our body is so so so very smart it's smarter than our heads smarter than our minds for sure drop into the body if you feel any sense of liking achiness or any type of running urge sit with it figure it out and then think about if it's making you feel contracted or expansive right those are the next two things I want to talk about contraction and expansion for so long I was living so contracted so wound it caused me worry it caused me anxiety a ton of stress a lot of [ __ ] was manifesting that I didn't want in my life I was just acting from a place of fear and I think that that is like 90% of people's like baseline we're operating from survival mode I'm here to tell you that you don't have to do that anymore we are in a society and a day and age where we can thrive point-blank we can thrive we have everything that we need right the universe mama Gaia Pachamama provides for us however if you hold the belief that you're never gonna have enough that you're gonna be in survival mode etc that's what your ego will create for you do you see how important it is to befriend your ego now that we're talking about this right it all ties back in this is where subconscious reprogramming comes in this is where that the daily practices are so essential this is where support is essential accountability we're trying to eat an ant an elephant have you ever heard that phrase I don't know why would you want to eat an elephant that sounds so gross elephants are our friends anyway yeah so it's a lot we're biting off more than we can chew by trying to reprogram like one and done so many people I know that are like I went to an ayahuasca ceremony I'm really happy that you're working with this shaman and what are you doing every single day to create a better life to reprogram your subconscious mind how are you speaking to yourself are you creating a relationship with a higher source right you don't have to say the word god I know that's got a weird connotation for a lot of people can say universe you can say source you can say higher self you can say the light within right but you got to put your trust in something that's the whole spiel put your trust in something for someone to have faith you gotta have faith in something so I would get crystal clear on what you want to call it and put your faith there and start a relationship with it I talked to a lot of clients who say all of this spiritual stuff and all of their self growth and everything that they're doing and when I asked them okay we'll have you talked to the universe or have you talked to your source today they stop in their tracks and their dumbfounded because they never thought to do that this is like square one and I didn't have this for a long time like my path was a long and windy road but somewhere I came into this realization of why am I not just speaking directly to source and a lot change for me when that happened I really was able to expand I really was able to let go of a lot of stuff that was sitting in the body sitting in the mind you know like energetic parasites and start to feel better because I made my intention and I made myself crystal clear you know the universe delivers it hears you if you're speaking out loud that stuff is very very very powerful it's potent right like I would not have gotten to the point where I am right now if I didn't create some form of relationship with with my higher source it's as simple as that so let's wrap it up the key points here are just to remember to find your alignment through creating relationship with a higher source go easy on yourself this is a journey and it can be fun and it can be playful and you still get to have colored pencils and crayons even though you're an adult in fact you need it more so get your sticker book out whoever told you you need to grow up and be an adult they don't know what that means let's redefine what it means to be an adult go out and play and go have fun do the things that make you feel expanded find the people that make you feel expanded right find your sacred alone time your sacred sacred source of a long time be in your own energy because babe is the most powerful way most powerful powerful way you are going to receive downloads receive inspiration find the power inside of yourself and find the energy to create that is where so much magic happens so go off try it let me know if any of this resonated and where you want to hear more make sure to share the love and send this podcast to someone you know who could benefit also I'm giving away my online course for free to a lucky winner so if you want your chance to win that go and leave a five star review you are so supported you are so loved you are already whole and you are divine talk to you soon