Give Yourself Permission

Ep. 20 - The Most Powerful Tool I've Learned so Far

Jen Cannon

Did you know your body is always listening?

In this episode, we'll learn the power of the spoken word and how it influences the cells of the body.

Tune in to learn how to find powerful harmony within, and other keys for awakening!

The Game of Life and How to Play it

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Welcome to the give yourself permission podcast. I am so excited to take this journey with you. In this show will share how to evolve as a spiritual being while remaining human will learn powerful tools and methods to rewire the brain, heal energy blocks, tap into our intuition and be our own healers will bring on experts in the field to answer the questions that keep us up at night. And I'll be adding plenty of solo casts. So I can share what's worked based on personal experience, all while learning how to write our own permission slip, to find our innate wholeness and create a life that's in alignment with our soul's expression. So what are we waiting for? Let's get started.

So let's get right into it. I want to talk about first, the idea of cellular structure, and the way to talk to your cells. So a little background, I've gotten really deeply into how to word things of the last as of the last couple months, how to word things when you are speaking truth. When you are praying, when you are speaking into the Akash. Right, you have to be careful of what you're saying. Words are spells, if you didn't already know, words are either blessings or curses, or maybe neutral, but we have to be really careful what we're saying. Because the subconscious mind does not have a sense of humor, it's very black and white. So if you say something that is going to be negative, like a complaint, complaints are within the law of decrease, you are going to feel contracted, you're going to feel heavy your cells will interpret that in a negative way. On the opposite end is gratitude. The Law of Gratitude is the law of increase. So the more you can be grateful for the more you can feel yourself expanding that bigger energy field. And that's what we all want to feel we want to feel like we're able to increase and ascend and higher heighten our frequency, right, we want to remove all the blocks in our way, a lot of this has to do with the way we speak, I'm going to teach you how to clean up your words, I'm going to teach you how to talk to yourself on a deeper level. And I'm even going to give you some of the most powerful affirmations that I've discovered. Alright, everybody. So let's bounce right into this. So the first thing that you need to know is that there's two parts to human consciousness. The first one is the synaptic brain, storehouse. The second one is what we call creativity or intuition or that God consciousness. And it's only when we achieve the balance of both that we have satisfaction, and we feel like we're in control of our life. Right? So that's where fulfillment is within perfect balance. If we don't have the second one, if we don't have that, God's spark, that intuition, that creativity, think about it this way, we have so many different practices that allow us to kind of tap into our subconscious mind, right. And a lot of them are portrayed on this podcast of talks about you know, meditation, yoga, tapping, like there's tons of ways to open yourself to your subconscious, so that you can program your subconscious mind so you can rewire it, I talked about rewiring a lot. Guys, this is the most vital way to rewire that I've I've found yet. This is learning how to be in harmony with the body and the cells. So we're talking to the divine part of you. We're talking to the cells, the divine part of you, we're going to call it call car cells are listening. This is not about repeating affirmations and repetition. This is about feeling it deeply in your cellular structure. You don't even have to repeat this stuff. It's about learning to find the on switch to talk to yourselves, and you know that you're doing this, and you've all had this before, is when you have chills, right? So when you're saying something, you're talking to your body and then you get chills all throughout. That's like the chills are helping you break through to your cellular cellular structure. The innate in you is celebrating when you have chills. So the first way that I like to say and talk and open to my body is saying is by saying Dear cellular structure, let the body crave what it needs. Because I love you. Notice how I'm not telling it anything specific. I'm just asking for help along the path, let it crave what it needs. Right. I'm not saying like, let me not eat meat anymore. Let me only eat really high vibe food. Alright, let me crave what it needs. The cells are so smart. They know they know what it needs. Here's another one. Do yourself I asked for balance. Asking for balance again for giving ourselves enough trust. Just to actually come in and do the things that are going to balance us, we're not getting into such specifics, we're just asking the body to find harmony, the more that we can balance the cells, the more we have the power to change our whole frequency levels, we get to change our whole life, our whole perspective, right? It starts with the body, right? There's the trilogy, it's the body, the mind and the spirit. But to get into our subconscious, to get into our spirit, to get into the rewiring process, we have to go past the body, the cells are the gatekeeper, they know what to do. So we harmonize, and we can start to feel better. So it's like we have to descend into our cellular structure, to transcend anything that's out of balance, and then we can ascend to the higher levels. This is like true across any religion that you might identify with. Or if you just see yourself as a spiritual person, because we're talking to the source within us, we're talking to the gods source, the universe, source, whatever you want to label it as the Christ consciousness source. It doesn't matter so much. As long as you see that source as the divine within you, the divine I am, it's within us, the more we can activate our cellular structure, the more we can bring that divine to rise, the Christ consciousness to rise, our frequency to rise, vibration to rise, right, so many different metaphors, so many different names, all for the same thing, the Kundalini to rise, I don't teach anything that I haven't experienced directly, or that I haven't found some kind of foundation of truth within. So that's the first thing I have applied this concept and this knowing into my own life, and I have seen a lot of change. I've seen a lot of transcendence. So one of the sources that I got this from and this is a book, it's called the game of life and how to play it. Florence Scovel Shinn is the author and she's actually written I think, four books. And then there's like many books as well. She was basically a Christian mystic, I don't know if she would identify as that. And this book was written in 1925, she has long since passed, but prayers are spells. And when we're praying to the divine within, we get the chance to activate that within our own essence, our own auric field. And that's what makes us powerful, we have to understand that we have everything within us to rise to ascend, is really about empowering, you know, we talk about the word empowerment all the time, it's really about waking up to the fact that we are powerful, as beings, really seeing that really understanding that we have that divine spark within us, and we get to water it so it can grow and grow and grow. And we become unstoppable. We get to have the life that we want, we get to have the health that we want the wealth that we want, the creativity that we want, it's all within us. And everybody gets to access this, if they just know how to do it, of course, you have to do it in a way that is this pure, you have to have pure intent, you have to

do it in a way that is like serving the greater good of humanity. It's this is not about like ego satisfaction, or like doing it for ill will, it will never stand the test of time, like you'll never be able to go through to your divine consciousness to actually manifest like a greater life if you are not in integrity with us, right? So I guess what I'm trying to say is like, you can't have ill intent or evil intent to do this, because it completely works against you like everything about learning to talk to the cells and learning to talk to the divine within an activate that is about being in purity is about acting for the higher greater good of humanity. So everything has to be in harmony for you to be able to connect in with this. So you know, you don't have to be afraid of like people using it for the wrong reasons or, you know, getting powerful and then using it for ill. There's, there's people who do certain things that are using it for ego reasons, but it just it will only get you so far. I remember a story of the sky and like my tantra yoga classes who started activating his solar plexus for like wealth, and then he brought in a bunch of wealth for himself and he didn't use it for higher good, but again, yeah, it will make you powerful, but it's not necessarily going to get like you're not going to get all the way if you just use one thing, maybe you're going to make money off of increasing your solar plexus string, but you're still going to be unfulfilled and other areas like you're you need to find the balance and harmony and find that pure intent to actually like expand into the life that you would desire that your soul would desire which includes well to Have, you get to have all the things, it's just not about ego purposes, it's about the greater good. As the loved one says you have to be at least 51% service to humanity and the greater good. So less service to self, and more service to humanity. And the more you can grow, that the more powerful you actually will become. So another way to put that is personal will keeps you out of the kingdom. And I'm going to start using the kingdom much more because again, another metaphor into like five, the frequency or higher vibration, however you want to put it, everything is just code for the same thing, right? But Personal Will keeps you out of the kingdom, right, you can achieve these high states, you can live in a whole new reality of, you know, waking up to who you're meant to be in this world. But you have to be more service to the greater good than yourself. That's such a big key. This is all based off of how much faith that you have how much faith you have, in these concepts, how much faith that you have in yourself. absolute pure trust backs that intense so much understand that, if you believe it, it is true, right. And this is law of attraction stuff. But this is law of attraction, like on steroids, law of attractions, like I'm gonna manifest this Tesla, and it's all about material things. Fine, but that's like a tiny, tiny piece of this. And it's also like corrupted in a lot of ways and totally about personal will. If you look at like a lot of the Law of Attraction stuff, it's like get your desires and the desires are always material wealth, or material things which there's nothing wrong with don't get me wrong. But that's not like what law of attraction gets to be used for. That's like a tiny piece of the puzzle. And it will only get you so far. If you're not aligned with divine, that's the whole key, you have to be aligned with the infinite source Infinite Spirit. Over the last couple of months, I've really amplified and increased my faith 1,000%. And a lot of it is attributed to this book, The Game of Life and how to play it, I really recommend it, if you grab a copy, it's very cheap. I think it's like six books on Amazon. And then it's free on YouTube to listen to it's like a two hour book, it's super short. It is in alignment, it's harmonious with the laws of the universe, the laws that I mentioned earlier, the Law of Gratitude, the law of increase the lot of complaints with love decrease, really understanding this stuff, breaking it down will help you immensely. And then of course, all this stuff has very little backing unless you take actions based on it. So it's attaining the knowledge and then taking the actions in accordance with that knowledge that you've attained. Which means you might have to listen to this podcast episode a couple of times, it might mean that you have to listen to a Book of Truth a couple of times. It's about finding that embodiment of truth. I'm going to give you a couple more notes that I wrote down that I just want to share with you guys. never violate a hunch. Do not turn your back on a hunch. And let me tell you, I've definitely done this before, I've overrode my intuition many times, and it does not work to my liking. It brings out a lot more frustration than it needs to. It makes things take longer. It sends me on this journey where I have to learn certain lessons that are steeped in pain, simply because I violated this hunch, right? I didn't listen to the intuition. The Divine Will inside not personal well, the Divine Will, is always talking, you have to get clarity by tuning in by listening by making every effort to find that harmonious connection within you. Right and that's that's your job, your responsibility. And yes, it's your job and your responsibility. But there's also really amazing teachers who have come before us. There's people who you can listen to this podcast like this you can listen to to learn how to sync up that connection. And that's going to be such a shortcut for you. Okay, so some other things that I would say, are really good to write down. Patience. Patience means non resistance. Patience means non resistance, right? So keep that in mind and tiny hop resistance towards anything. cultivate more patience, take a deep breath. Breathe into the present moment. Something I've realized really deeply about the present moment is it's truly about finding the deep state of presence. It's not about the way you Life looks externally at all. Some of us are born awake, I think it's probably pretty rare. I think that more and more people are going to be born awake as we evolve more and more as the humanity evolves more and more, you know, we're we're definitely seeing children that are very, very awake and aware and an early age, very sensitive, humanity is shifting very rapidly. But you know, talking to the population of listeners now that are anywhere from like, 20, to 50. And up, we have a journey, and it's the pathway is commitment, we get to have this commitment, we get to have this practice where we plug into the divine within, right, because it's a remembering process, we have to commit to practices of awakening. Again, see al CA, cells are listening, cells are listening, that means they're listening to every thought, the biggest key here is self love. Loving your cellular structure is the key. Now, all of the techniques that I offer, through this podcast through working with me one on one, they're all going to be supportive to your overall state of how you get to talk to yourself, taking different actions that show yourself that you can trust yourself. All of these things help you reach to a state where you can have faith. And what are you having faith in, you're having safe as a whole

overriding fear, right, so you're more in a state of faith and hope in general, than in a state of fear, which is a frequency two, it's a lower vibration. Right? A lot of the world is holding on to fear in lower states, lower vibrations, that's how you get sick, let me tell you, when you're riding high a wave of frequency that's high, you're not going to match the vibrational level of a germ, you're not going to get sick, right. So that's something to keep in mind. Like you vibrate higher when you're in a state of faith. And you get to be in that state. And also, I don't want you to shame yourself, if you hear your voice of the inner critic, or it's hard for you to control your thoughts to make them positive, and you're a negatively oriented person. That's okay. The fact that you found this material, the fact that you found this podcast, you are already on your journey. And I am telling you if you commit, and if you practice some of these techniques, that again, services I offer mindfulness, just listening to the podcast, reading, reading the book, The Game of Life. I mean, there's tons and tons of support tools, but if you make it a practice that's committed and consistent, you will rewire yourself, you will turn on yourselves to work harmoniously, however, you have to do it, you are the solution to all of your problems, right? Think of yourself as as a tuning fork, and you're literally a tuning fork to the environment around you. So if you're negatively oriented, good news, it might not be your fault. Everything is working to create more of a negative bias to instill more fear. Very, very, very few things out there are giving us heart medicine. Right? Turn on the news, you'll see exactly what I'm saying. Measuring your worth, by what you identify with, right, your job, your wealth, your status, your body, how you look, right. All of these like illusions that you identify with, keeping you veiled from what you really are, which is divinity embodied in human form, literally God's source God consciousness, within all of us droplets in the ocean. It's all about lifting the veil. So you can stop forgetting, and you can start remembering your divinity. Because once you activate yourself, once you know yourself and your divine will and how powerful you are, you create a massive, massive ripple effect to everybody. You're around. You know, you walk up to the barista at a coffee shop, you're radiating. You don't even have to speak to that person, and they can feel your energy. Another big thing that I want to share is that you got to bless everyone and you got to forgive everyone. There's a lot to unpack here. And there's a lot of wordplay on the idea of forgiveness like it's not forgiveness, it's acceptance. There's nothing to forgive. Forgive means it's right. What I can tell Are you is you need to forgive as in you carrying any resentment is going to keep you outside of the kingdom of heaven. The work that I do specifically, is I hold an image in my head of anyone that I'm annoyed with the moment that I'm annoyed with them. And if I'm feeling that I let that feeling go, I'm not suppressing anything. But a day later, or a couple hours later, or whatever, when I'm doing that work again, when I'm in a loving kindness meditation, right, which is like wishing goodwill on everybody or wishing goodwill on one specific person. That's when it comes up, right? So I bring that image to mind that person to mind and I forgive them. And I forgive them, and I bless them, and I love them. If this is touchy for you, I recommend that you work with somebody, like a therapist, or a mindfulness teacher or somebody that can be trusted, that you can feel safe to start to chip away at this work with. I understand that there are blockages there are things that people have a hard time with forgiving. That's, you know, if we could all easily forgive them, we would and we would all be in the kingdom. So I'm not trying to underplay this at all. But that is one of the keys. If you want to learn how to forgive if you want to learn how to bless deeper, please send me a DM let me know. And we can go into it on further episodes as well. I can expand upon this. Everything is held in the power of the tongue. First, it's a thought, man, if you speak it out, it's giving it energy, whatever you speaking into existence, you are energizing. When you complain, it is the law of decrease. I am going to say that again. When you complain, it is the law of decrease, I might have to repeat these things a couple of times, right? When you have gratitude, it is the law of increase, you will need to do the work. To find gratitude more often and more often and more often than you find yourself complaining. This is the work that you get to do. This is the simple bridge to walk across. To go to a higher vibrational frequency. I'm giving you the key here. Consistency, practice, get support with this, right. This is why we have mindfulness teachers. This is why we have coaches, this is why we have you know all the support tools. I'm in a leadership program right now that's lasting the next couple of months. Like it's accountability for me, it's super important to have support on your journey, support on your path that is aligned, harmonious and going to help you take the actions that you need to take at the end of the day, you are responsible for it all like you are self responsible, you are the solution to all of your problems. You're also the problem. But let's focus. Let's again focus on the higher vibrational frequency, you are the solution. That means that you get to take the actions to do this stuff. If this sounds like a lot, that's okay. That just means that there's a journey ahead. But let me tell you, this has been the best journey that I have ever taken the best journey to allow myself to remember who I am to step into my power at a higher level, to go from negative to positive and to understand that there's no ceiling except the ceiling that I have self imposed, and that I can break through it. I mean, there's no better medicine, there's no better gift that I could give to anybody. There's no better gift that I could give to myself like this, this is the most this is the path to liberation, right? We're all trying to be free. And we think that being free is like if I get to X amount of money, or if I see every country in the world or you know, whatever it is, like those are all elusive. You get to do those things and they're fun. But that's not actually the key to liberation, by any means. It might help you get there quicker, because you're like learning the lessons you want to learn as a soul who came into this body. But the key is within the context of this conversation that we're having. It's focusing the perspective to a more positive gratitude, state of mind by understanding the power of the tongue, right. So everything that you speak out, you're speaking into existence, and this is also what you're inputting. If you're putting in a reality TV show. On TV, if you're putting in horror movies, evil if you're watching the latest Stranger Things, you don't want to put any fear into your subconscious. Like there's already enough in there, you need to start scrubbing it clean, like the corners of your mind clean to purify yourself. Like if you're going to watch TV, if you're going to like need that moment where you switch off your brain, like make it something lighthearted, make it funny, bring yourself to laugh, you know, laughter is like, immediately going to increase your vibrational frequency. It's about what you input. And it's about what you put out there. These two states, they're so so so important to understand. Like, we need to watch what we're putting into our body, putting into our mind, and what's coming out of it.

These are the keys, this is the purification process, you want to be in a higher state, you want to feel good, you want to be powerful, so that you can be of influence to others, you want to be an example, you have to take full responsibility of your life in every moment. You know, and if that means that you have to create like more healthy boundaries, stronger boundaries, where you have to be away from people who are just not in that same space. You know, love them and create space, love and create space, love everybody, but create the space that you need. So you're not influenced all we are are giant sponges, to our reality around us, right? But the beauty of freewill is we get to choose what's coming in and what's going out. That's up to us that's being self responsible. And this is the shortcut. And this is the way and this is the path to higher states. Right. Once you're in a higher state. You get to be powerful, you get to have the ripple effect to everybody around you. Thank you so much for joining me today. If you guys have questions or comments, please feel free to reach out easiest way is to send me a message over Instagram. My handle is @ IamJencannon. Thank you guys so much and look for new episodes coming out soon. Love you guys.